
Function & Responsibility


University Quality Assurance department is a UPJ internal beurau that functions as a quality assurance system developer for all study programs, departments, faculties, and working units at UPJ.


Quality Assurance at UPJ is done and coordinated by the University Quality Assurance Department in the university level. It plays role in:

1. Coordinating, planning, and executing overall quality assurance system.

2. Coordinating, creating, and documenting the needed operational standard tools for the implementation of quality assurance system.

3. Coordinating the quality assurance system implementation monitoring process. 4. Coordinating the process of internal assessment.

5. Coordinating the process of reporting the quality assurance implementation to the rector.


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Hak Cipta @2018 Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Universitas Pembangunan Jaya