The quality of higher education both academic and non academic especially human resources quality, graduates quality, management quality, the application of the Three Pillars of higher education quality, and service quality need to be assessed through Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) as the main tool to ensure that the UPJ quality meets the standards. Thus, the department of quality assurance was established through SK Rektor Nomor 058-1/KEP-REK/UPJ/15 Tentang Pembentukan Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Universitas (LPMU). LPMU is a newly established department at UPJ. Before its establishment, the quality assurance process was done by the Education Administration and Quality Assurance Bureau and was still focused on academic activities quality assurance. The establishment of LPMU will enable a simultaneous process of academic and non academic quality assurance.
Seluruh dokumen dalam website ini bersifat tidak terkendali dan hanya dapat digunakan sebagai informasi atau gambaran umum. Printed copies of this document are not controlled and for reference only. Hak Cipta @2018 Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Universitas Pembangunan Jaya |